Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Fictional Crushes

Meme Hosted By: The Broke and Bookish

So I missed this one when they did it awhile back and this week was a freebie, so I decided to do it.

1. Draco Malfoy from the Harry Potter series

Image result for Draco Malfoy

2. Aric/Death from the Arcana Chronicles

3. Reece Mulvaney from the Ivy Chronicles

Joseph Morgan. Very hot guy - even more so when he talks like Klaus :-):

4. Eric Northman from the Sookie Stackhouse Series
Image result for Eric Northman

5.  Jace Wayland from the Mortal Instruments Series

6. Simon Parker from the Cocktail Series

Image result for Simon Parker Wallbanger

7. Cole Holland from the White Rabbit Chronicles
Related image

8. Miles Archer from Ugly Love

Image result for nick bateman miles archer

9. Four from the Divergent Triolgy

Image result for theo james Four

So, unless I think of another one between now and the time this goes up, there is only going to be 9.

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