2020 Challenges

Before I get into my resolutions for 2020, let's go over how I did with the 2019 goals.

Read 50 books this year - This didn't happen. I have been in a slump from hell these past few years and I only managed to read/listen to 12 books this year.

Read at least one Classic - Again, this didn't happen. I read a retelling of a Christmas Carol and a retelling of Pride and Prejudice, but didn't actually read a classic.

Read 2 non-fiction a month - Nope. Just no.

And I didn't keep up with this blog, so I didn't reach any of the goals I set for it, either.
I wanted to listen to 15-20 books this past year. I ended up listening to 5, which isn't so bad, but far from what I had originally planned.

So onto my 2020 challenges I am going to be competing in. I am not doing my resolutions here this year, because I set myself up for failure most of the time. I do have them written down, I just won't be posting them here just yet.

I actually did better than I was expecting with this challenge last year. This year I would really like to get a bingo, though. You will find my board in the sidebar soon. And you can find the original post HERE.

This is the one I get the most done on, because I have a long drive to work and I can listen to audiobooks then. So this year I am going to take it down a notch though and go for  5-10, which is the Weekend Warrior. You can track my progress with me in the side bar and find the original post HERE
 So I didn't do this one last year. I don't know how much of it I will get done this year. 50 books is doubtful, but we will see. You can find the original post for this challenge HERE

So this is always on my resolutions, but I hadn't realized there was an actual challenge for it. Again, you can find my progress is the side bar. I would like to finish 9+ series this year, but I would be happy with 1-4. You can find the original post HERE

I will also be participating in the New Adult Challenge, they just haven't posted it for 2020, yet.

This seems like a lot. But I plan on having several books hit several challenges, so maybe it won't be that tough. We will see. I will also be posting month TBRs and quarterly wrap ups.

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